Friday, January 22, 2010


Athesim is my belief may not b the fact like religiousness. Because the existense of God is yet to b proved like the existense of Life in Outside earth. You all believe in god for yourself because its better to fall in belevers group rather than athesist group. In fact we all dont know whether our beliefs are right or othe religion ism right. A child will believe in Jesus Christ if he was born n bought up in a christian family likewise hindus n muslims, what is d basis? Religion is a tool for Politicians for split n rule policy, Reputed Proffession for Religious leadees,Priests etc...think.... think..either u will become so close to god by knowing hin more nor u will come to know that God is a creation of Human to rule others.

The Existense of God & Religion??????

All religions, with their gods, demigods, prophets, messiahs and saints, are the product of the fancy and credulity of men who have not yet reached the full development and complete possession of their intellectual powers." Do u Agree with me? disagriments welcome...

How do I define God? I don't.... People who find such conceptions important for themselves have every right to frame them as they like. Personally, I don't. That's why you haven't found my "thoughts on this [for you] criticaI question." I have none, because I see no need for them (apart from the - often extremely interesting and revealing -inquiry into human culture an history.